Monday, January 14, 2013

Abdominal :

To tinker a stomach of steel, not that hard!. It seeks rectus abdomen without stretching: there was a bust, rounding the back, then we descend but not completely, and repeatedly. The results are not expected if it performs well movements.

It is working the abdominal, muscle area weakest. Time required: about half an hour, with gradual increase up to a period of one hour.

Lying on a mat (or better on a board with tilt scheduled for work abs), back flat, legs spread at an angle of 45, feet flat on the ground (or wedged under a cabinet), and 20 cm gap between the buttocks and heels to not distort the back. The arms can be crossed on the chest, each hand touching the opposite shoulder and elbows relaxed. For beginners: arms outstretched, it facilitates the movement.

They are working the abs and not the biceps, so do not press the arm straightens when the bust: the movement of the head and chest, which straighten must run slowly, shoulders relaxed, because they are not requested. Raise your shoulder blades up to 15 cm of soil. The head remains in line with the back line and the eyes should be 60 cm ball joints.
Never force because the lap belt is tight and causes a burning sensation, a sign that the muscles are working. Ensure for the duration of the training that the toes adhere well to the ground. Not help pushing on the heels, which would work the calf muscles and adductors, not abs! Expire at the end of movement.

Do three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions: 10 seconds for vertical movement, 10 seconds back in the supine position. Agree the recovery time between each set.
Repeat this exercise every other day. More movement is slower, the muscles work better the result. Point: slow inspiration and comprehensive way down, expiration during exercise upward.
To complicate the movement, setting foot calibrated height (stairs), the vertical legs. Seeking the exercise. small and large oblique and the rectus. The height of the feet and therefore the distance of the bust can make the muscles of the hip.
Regular repetition of these exercises is the key to success, but the alternation of rest (one minute) between each set of movements is a necessary condition for the muscles take full advantage of the effort that requires them .

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